my favorite tea 高中英语作文,那位大神给一篇?

My favorite tea
“There are many sorts of tea in China, such as green tea,black tea, flowering tea, WuLong Tea, white tea and so on.All of them have their own taste and nutritional value,but my favorite tea is green tea. Green tea is a kind of without fermented tea.Because of its blade and soup is green, so it is named. Chinese green tea includs ten teas, they are the West Lake longjing ,Taihu Biluo chun, Huangs]Shan MaoFeng tea, LiouAn GuaPian , JunShan silver needle, XinYang Maojian tea, Peace Monkey Chief, luShan mountain cloud ,Sichuan Mengding tea, GuZhuZi bamboo shoots.
Tea is very good to people's health and it is just like a person's life,so I like Chinese tea and also like Green Tea better.” 谢谢采纳!
中国茶的种类很多,如绿茶、红茶、开花茶,乌龙茶、白茶等等。他们有自己的口味和营养价值,但我最喜欢的茶是绿茶。绿茶是一种没有发酵茶。因为它的叶片和汤是绿色的,因此而得名。中国的绿茶、有十大名茶,他们是西湖龙井、太湖碧螺春春,黄山毛峰、六安瓜片、君山银针、信阳毛尖、太平猴魁 ,庐山云雾、四川蒙顶茶,顾渚紫笋茶。
茶对人的健康非常有益处,更像人生,所以我喜欢中国茶,也更喜欢绿茶。” 谢谢!